
scale (time scale), Thus, the estimated flight time is 2 hours and 30
Difference in altitude
The difference in altitude can be obtained from the rate of descent and the
descent time.
Example: Obtain the difference in altitude when an aircraft continues
descending for 23 minutes at a rate of 250 feet per minute.
Answer. Align"25"on the outer scale with "10" on the inner scale. Then,"23"
on the inner scale corresponds to "57.5" on the outer scale. Thus, the
difference in altitude is 5,750 feet.
Rate of climb (or descent)
The rate of climb (or descent) ran be obtained from the time required to
reach an altitude.
Example: Obtain the rate of climb when an aircraft reaches an altitude of
7,500 feet after climbing for 16 minutes.
Answer. Align "75" on the outer scale with "16" on the inner scale.
Then,'10'on the inner scale corresponds to "47" on the outer scale. Thus,
the rate of climb is 470 per minute.
Time of climb (or descent)
The time required for climb can be obtained from the altitude to be reached
and the rate of climb (or descent).
Example: Obtain the time of climb when an aircraft is to climb to 6,300 feet
at a rate of 550 feet per minute.
Answer. Align "55" on the outer scale with '10’ on the inner scale. Then,
"63" on the outer scale corresponds to "11.5" on the inner scale. Thus, the
time of climb is 11 minutes and 30 seconds.
Example: Convert 30 statuts miles into nautical miles and kilometers.
Operation: Align ‘30’ on the outer scale with STAT
on the inner scale.
Then, NAUT
on the inner scale corresponds to "26" nautical miles on the
outer scale, and "12 km" (s) on the inner scale corresponds to "48.2" km on
the outer scale.
B. General Calculation Functions
Example: 20 X 15
Align "20" on the outer scale with "10' on the inner scale. Then, "15" on
the inner scale corresponds to "30" on the outer scale. Take into account
the position of the decimal point and add one zero to obtain 300. Note that
with the scales of this watch, the position of the decimal point cannot be
Example: 250/20
Align "25" on the outer scale with "20" on the inner scale. Then, '10', on
the inner scale corresponds to "12.5" on the outer scale. Take into account
the position of the decimal point to obtain 12.5.
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