20. VideoPhone is not connected to the Internet.
Ethernet cable is not properly plugged into the
VideoPhone. Ensure that the RJ-45 cable is properly plugged
into the back of the VideoPhone. A steady green light on the
Ethernet port indicates a valid link has been made.
Invalid DNS entries. The VideoPhone requires at least one valid
DNS entry. Consult your ISP or network administrator for the DNS
IP Addresses.
Invalid IP, subnet mask and/or gateway. All three of these
values have to be correct for the VideoPhone to function properly.
Recheck all of these values. Consult your ISP or network
administrator for these values.
21. Incorrect Network Speeds.
Incorrect entries for network speed. Consult your ISP or
network administrator to verify the correct send and receive
speeds for your VideoPhone.
Incorrect entries for network speed. While in a call, turn on
Connection Status via the View Menu. If the VideoPhone is
reporting packet loss, decrease your receive speed until the
VideoPhone reports zero percent packet loss. If you are not
reading any packet loss, increase your download speed, to the
point where you do not report packet loss. The far side might need
to increase their upload speed to be greater than or equal to your
download speed.
Troubleshooting (continued)