
Metric Conversions
All conversion values in this mode are preset and cannot be changed.
inches centimeters yards meters
miles kilometers feet yards
knots kilometers/h UK tons kilograms
US tons kilograms pounds kilograms
ounces grams carats grams
UK gallons liters US gallons liters
calories joules horsepower kilowatts
Fahrenheit Celsius
To perform a metric conversion
1. Enter the Unit Conversion Mode.
2. Use K and L to find the one you want to use.
3. Use H and J to change the direction of the conversion.
4. Input the value you want to convert from and press OK to display the conversion
5. If you want to view your original input value, press OK again.
Currency Conversions
Use the Currency Conversion Mode to convert between various currencies. The
following are the default currency names that the unit uses. You can change the
default currency names to other currency names if you want.
USD U.S. Dollar DM Deutsche Mark
GBP British Pound ITL Italian Lira
FFR French Franc YEN Japanese Yen
Make sure you input the conversion rates you want to use before trying to perform
a currency conversion. The Digital Diary will not convert from one currency to
another until you do.
To change currency labels and rates
1. Enter the Currency Conversion Mode.
2. Use K and L to find the conversion pair you want to change.