QT-6600 Reference Manual
2-2. General description of individual function keys
This section describes individual function key that can be assigned to the keys on the
keyboard of QT-6600.
2-2-1. System keys
The system key consist on a non-programmable function key.
The following system keys are available.
1) Numeric keys (0, 1 ~ 9, 00, decimal point*)
These keys are used for inputting numerical data such as PLU codes, amounts, quantities,
etc. These keys must be allocated on the keyboard.
2) Clear key
This key is used for clearing numerical values after they have been input, and after incorrect
function keys have been pressed. This key also can be used to clear errors. This key must
be allocated on the keyboard.
3) Home position key*
This key is used for returning cursor to the home position.
4) End key*
This key is used for moving cursor to the bottom position.
5) Left, right, up, down arrow keys
These keys are used for moving the cursor.
6) Yes key
This key is used for consenting the selection and proceeding steps.
7) No key
This key is used for cancelling the selection and proceeding steps.
8) Mode key
This key is used for changing modes of the terminal. This key shows the allowable mode
keys in the mode pop-up window.
9) ESC/SKIP key
This key is used for terminating a programming sequence, X/Z sequence, and returning the
former window. This key is also used for terminating a report being issued in PGM, X, and
Z mode.
10) Display on/off key
This key is used for turning on / off the terminal.
11) Page up key*
This key is used for turning the window forwards.
12) Page down key*
This key is used for turning the window backwards.
* Allocatable key