Editing a Tone
■ Editable Hex Layer Tone Parameters
Display Name Description Settings
Volume Volume. Overall hex layer volume. 0 to 127
Keyoff Velocity Mode Key off velocity mode. Select “KeyOff” to use the key off velocity as the
key off velocity, or “KeyOn” to select the key on velocity. Select “Both” to
reflect both (key on and key off) velocities.
KeyOff, KeyOn, Both
Layer Layer. This is a group of editable parameters for each layer. Touch the
layer you want to edit and then modify setting items as required.
• When “ALL” (all layers) is selected as the layer number, an x-mark
may be displayed on the left side of the display showing the part being
edited. This indicates that all of the layers do not have the same setting
for the currently selected parameter.
Layer On/Off Layer on/off. Selecting off disables layer. Off, On
Wave Number Wave number. Selects a wave type.
Refer to the “Wave List” in the separate Appendix for information about
wave types.
See “Wave List” in the
separate Appendix.
Key Range Low Key Range Low. Specifies the lower limit of the enabled keyboard range.
Nothing sounds when any keyboard key below this range is pressed.
• Touch a setting and then use the keyboard keys to change it.
C-1 - G9
Key Range High Key Range High. Specifies the upper limit of the enabled keyboard range.
Nothing sounds when any keyboard key above this range is pressed.
• Touch a setting and then use the keyboard keys to change it.
C-1 - G9
Velocity Range Low Velocity range low. Specifies the minimum value of the effective velocity.
No sound is produced when playing at a velocity less than this setting.
0 to 127
Velocity Range High Velocity range high. Specifies the maximum value of the effective
velocity. No sound is produced when playing at a velocity greater than
this setting.
0 to 127
Start Trigger Start trigger. Specifies whether a note is sounded when a keyboard key is
pressed (KeyOn) or when a keyboard key is released (KeyOff).
KeyOn, KeyOff
Pitch Pitch envelope. For details, see the melody tone “Pitch Envelope” (page
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Pitch
Envelope” (page EN-25).
Octave Shift
• For details about the setting items below, see drum tone “Pitch
Envelope” (page EN-28).
Coarse Tune, Fine Tune
Envelope • For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Pitch
Envelope” (page EN-25). You can input “Initial Level”, “Attack Level”,
and “Release Level” values in the range of –256 to 0 to +255. You can
input “Attack Time”, “Decay Time”, and “Release Time” values in the
range of 0 to 127.
Initial Level, Attack Time, Release Time, Release Level
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Filter”
(page EN-26). You can input “Attack Level” and “Decay Level” values
in the range of –256 to 0 to +255. You can input a “Decay Time” in the
range of 0 to 127.
Attack Level, Decay Time, Decay Level
Key Follow Key follow. Adjusts the amount of pitch change between neighboring
keyboard keys. A higher value represents greater change.
–128 to 0 to +127
Key Follow Base Key follow base. Keyboard key that is the center of key follow. C-1 - G9
Split Shift Split shift. Counting from the keyboard key that is pressed, the waveform
that sounds is the one assigned to the keyboard key that is the specified
split shift amount above or below the pressed key. The pitch used is the
one that corresponds to the pressed keyboard key.
–12 to 0 to +12
LFO Layer Depth LFO layer depth. Adjusts how LFO is applied to each layer. 0 to 127
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