of properties
List of properties
Property Name Description
PadStatus Key acceptance property Specifies Up or Down acceptance.
PadShow Keypad display/non-display property Specifies display/non-display of the
KeyNo Expansion key number property Specifies which number of key is
registered in the expansion keypad.
ExtNo Expansion keypad number property Specifies whether the key is registered to
EXT1 pad or EXT2 pad.
KeyCode Expansion keycode property Specifies the keycode of keys to be
Ext1Data1 -
(48 pieces
Expansion key image property
Specifies the Picture Handle of the
registered key (for EXT1 pad).
Ext2Data1 -
(48 pieces
Expansion key image property
Specifies the Picture Handle of the
registered key (for EXT2 pad).
ExtPad Expansion pad operation property Action property that initiates the
operation of registering, deleting and
deleting-all the keys to/from the EXT1 or
EXT2 pad.
Picture Handle: This is created from a bitmap file in the both cases of VC and VB.
The bitmap should be created from two colors and to a size of 32 x 24 dots.
Key acceptance property
Function This is a property to designate the key input acceptance mode.
Property name PadStatus
Type short
Value 0 = Down acceptance (default)
1 = Up acceptance
Format <In case of VC>
CVBControl* m_PadCtrl;
m_PadCtrl->SetNumProperty("PadStatus", 0 or 1);
<In case of VB>
Padctrl1.PadStatus = 0 or 1