u Random Number Generation in Accordance with Binomial Distribution
This function generates random integers in accordance with binomial distribution based on
values specified for the number of trials
n and probability p .
RanBin# (
n, p [,m]) 1 < n < 100000 1 < m < 999 0 < p < 1
• Omitting a value for
m returns a generated random number as-is. Specifying a value for m
returns the specified number of random values in list form.
Example Operation
RanBin# (5, 0.5)
(Randomly produces the number of heads
that can be expected in accordance with
binomial distribution for five coin tosses
where the probability of heads is 0.5.)
K6( g) 3(PROB) 4(RAND) 4(Bin)
5 ,0.5 )w
RanBin# (5, 0.5, 3)
(Performs the same coin toss sequence
described above three times and displays
the results in a list.)
K6( g) 3(PROB) 4(RAND) 4(Bin)
5 ,0.5 ,3 )w
k Coordinate Conversion
u Rectangular Coordinates u Polar Coordinates
• With polar coordinates, Ƨ can be calculated and displayed within a range of
–180°< Ƨ < 180° (radians and grads have same range).
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen.
Example Operation
r and Ƨ ° when x = 14 and y = 20.7
!m(SET UP) cccccc
1(Deg) J
K6( g) 5(ANGLE) 6( g) 1(Pol()
14 ,20.7 )w
x and y when r = 25 and Ƨ = 56°
2(Rec() 25 ,56 )w
1 24.989 → 24.98979792 (r)
2 55.928 → 55.92839019 ( )
1 24.989 → 24.98979792 (r)
2 55.928 → 55.92839019 ( )
1 13.979 → 13.97982259 (x)
2 20.725 → 20.72593931 (y)
1 13.979 → 13.97982259 (x)
2 20.725 → 20.72593931 (y)