
Matrix Calculations (COMP)
To perform the example operations in this section, fi rst select COMP (
) as the
calculation mode.
Matrix Calculation Overview
Matrix calculations are performed by fi rst storing the matrices in one of six matrix memory
areas named Mat A through Mat F, and then using the matrix area variables to perform the
actual calculation. To perform a matrix calculation like
2 0
0 2
1 2
3 4
, for example, you would
2 0
0 2
into Mat A and
1 2
3 4
into Mat B, when perform the calculation Mat A + Mat B.
Matrix calculation results are displayed on a Mat Ans screen.
About the Mat Ans Screen
Any calculation result that is a matrix is stored in Matrix Answer memory named “Mat Ans”.
You can use the Mat Ans screen to view the matrix that is currently stored in Mat Ans.
• Each of cells on the Mat Ans screen shows up to six digits of the value currently stored in
the cell.
• To check the value stored in a cell, use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the cell.
This will cause the full value contained to appear in the value display area at the bottom of
the screen.
• If a cell contains a fraction or sexagesimal value, the applicable cell on the Mat Ans
screen will show the decimal format equivalent. When you move the highlighting to the
cell, the value will appear in the applicable fraction or sexagesimal format in the value
display area.
• Though the Mat Ans screen looks very similar to the matrix editor screen, you cannot edit
a matrix on the Mat Ans screen.
• Pressing
while the Mat Ans screen is on the display will switch to the calculation
• You can press
, or another operator key while the Mat Ans screen is on the
display to start a calculation that uses the current Mat Ans contents (like “Mat Ans+”). This
is similar to Answer Memory operations (page 32). For more information, see “Performing
Matrix Calculations” (page 62).
Inputting and Editing Matrix Data
You can input data for up to six matrices, named Mat A through Mat F, and then use the
matrix names as variables in calculations. There are two methods you can use to input data
into a matrix: using the matrix editor screen and using the value assignment command (