k Number Base Setting and Value Input
Use the keys listed below to specify the number base.
The key markings used in this section are the ones that are above
each key, on the right.
Key Number Base Screen Indicator
U Decimal Dec
c Hexadecimal Hex
b Binary Bin
q Octal Oct
• The current number base setting is indicated in the second line of
the display.
• The initial default number base setting when you enter the BASE-
N Mode is always decimal (DEC).
Inputting Values
In the BASE-N Mode, you can input values using the currently
selected number base.
•A Syntax ERROR occurs if you input values that are not allowed
for the currently selected number base (such as inputting 2 while
binary is selected).
•You cannot input fractional values or exponential values in the
BASE-N Mode. If a calculation produces a fractional value, the
decimal part is cut off.
Inputting Hexadecimal Values
Use the keys shown below to input the alphabetic letters (A, B, C, D,
E, F) required for hexadecimal values.
Value Ranges
Base Range
Positive: 0000000000000000 < x < 0111111111111111
Negative: 1000000000000000 < x < 1111111111111111
Positive: 00000000000 < x < 17777777777
Negative: 20000000000 < x < 37777777777
Decimal –2147483648 < x < 2147483647
Hexa- Positive: 00000000 < x < 7FFFFFFF
decimal Negative: 80000000 < x < FFFFFFFF
• The allowable calculation range is narrower from binary (16 bits)
than it is for the other number systems (32 bits).
•A Math ERROR occurs when a calculation result is outside the
applicable range for the number system being used.