Variables that Accept Input
The following are distribution calculation variables that accept input values.
Normal PD ...........................
x, σ, ƫ
Normal CD ........................... Lower, Upper, σ, ƫ
Inverse Normal .................... Area, σ, ƫ (Tail setting always left.)
Binomial PD, Binomial CD ...
x (or List), N, p
Poisson PD, Poisson CD .....
x (or List), ƫ
x: data, σ: standard deviation (σ Ͼ 0), ƫ: mean, Lower: lower boundary, Upper:
upper boundary, Tail: probability value tail specification, Area: probability
value (0 Ϲ Area Ϲ 1), List: sample data list, N: number of trials, p: success
probability (0 Ϲ p Ϲ 1)
List Screen (Binomial PD, Binomial CD, Poisson PD,
Poisson CD)
With Binomial PD, Binomial CD, Poisson PD, and Poisson CD, use the List
Screen for sample data input. You can input up to 25 data samples for each
variable. Calculation results are also displayed on the List Screen.
Distribution calculation type
Value at current cursor position
X: Sample data Ans: Calculation results
To edit sample data: Move the cursor to the cell that contains the sample
data you want to edit, input the new sample data, and then press =.
To delete sample data: Move the cursor to the sample data you want to
delete and then press D.
To insert sample data: Move the cursor to the position where you want to
insert the sample data, press !1(STAT/DIST)2 (Edit)1(Ins), and
then input the sample data.
To delete all sample data: Press !1(STAT/DIST)2(Edit)2(Del-A).
DIST Mode Calculation Examples
To calculate the normal probability density when x = 36, σ = 2, ƫ =35
1(Normal PD)
36 =
2 =