Command APO Time(sec)
0 or 2 Abort Sampling
( *0)
3Turns sound off
4Turns sound on
10 APO * 0 1800
(Auto Power Off) 1 10
Warmup Time (sec)
0.1 to 360 Warmup time (sec)
( *0.1)
–1 None
–2 Normal warmup
Output Select Length (sec) Period (sec)
* 0 Buzzer Operating Time (sec) Period (sec)
2Ready LED
3Sampling LED
4 Error LED
5Batt LED
Send Sequence
* 0 Non-real Time Format
1Real Time Format
Command 6 - System Setup Command 10 - Sensor Warmup
Command 12 - Data Send Sequence
{ 10, Warmup Time (sec) }
Command 11 -
Buzzer and LED Operation Commands
{ 6, Command, Auto Power Off Time }
{ 12, Send Sequence }{ 11, Output Select, Length, Period }
Command 8 - Sampling Start
{ 8 }
•An error occurs when fraction data is sent.
•Send commands to the EA-200 in accordance with the command table contents.
•An error occurs when a parameter that does not exist in the command table is sent.
•The EA-200 uses six digits for internal calculations.