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current/last known GPS position or the last position you viewed on the map.
You can then browse the map (see page 24) and select a point you want to navigate to by placing
the cursor.
After placing the cursor at a point on the map, it may contain further information, i.e. if there is
more than one POI at that point. In this case you can use the arrows to scroll
between the multiple points.
Tap to go back to the Search Menu screen.
Tap to confirm the point. The screen will then change to show the Route Plan screen (see
page 34).
6.6 Entering a set of Co-ordinates
This option allows you to enter the longitude and
latitude co-ordinates of the location you are
looking for. Tap Coordinates the screen will
change to the co-ordinates entry screen.
You can enter the co-ordinates in two different
ways, Degrees:minutes:seconds or as a Decimal,
the unit automatically defaults to the
Degrees:minutes:seconds format (Note: when the
unit displays the co-ordinates of a location it
always shows then in the Degress:minutes:seconds format).
Tap in the white boxes next to either Lon or Lat, then use the keyboard to enter the co-ordinates
you wish to navigate to.
When entering in Degrees:minutes:seconds format.
For Longitude the letters E and W are used to
describe the hemisphere, for Latitude the letters N
and S are used to indicate the hemisphere. ° is used
to indicate the degrees and ‘ is used to indicate the
When entering in Decimal format. The N, S, W and E
keys are replaced with + and -, where North and East
are + and South and West are -. Use the . key to
enter a decimal point.
Tap to change between Degrees:minutes:seconds and Decimal formats.
Tap to delete any incorrect characters.
Tap to go back to the Search Menu screen.
Tap to confirm the entered co-ordinates. The
screen will then change to show the Route Plan
screen (see page 34).
6.7 To Navigate Directly Home
Tapping Go Home will directly navigate you to your
set home address without having to tap any other
keys or enter an address. This is very useful as your
home address will be the destination which is