Image too large.
You attempted to play back an image larger than 4992 × 3328 pixels or with a large
data size.
Incompatible JPEG format.
You attempted to play back an incompatible JPEG image.
Corrupted data.
You attempted to play back an image with corrupted data.
You attempted to play back a RAW image.
Unidentified Image
You attempted to play back an image that was recorded in a special data type (proprietary
data type used by the camera of another manufacturer, etc.) or a movie clip recorded by
another camera.
Cannot magnify!
You attempted to magnify an image recorded in a different camera or data type, an
image edited with a computer, or a movie.
Cannot rotate
You attempted to rotate an image recorded in a different camera or data type, an image
edited with a computer, or a movie.
Incompatible WAVE format.
A sound memo cannot be added to this image because the data type of the existing
sound memo or audio is incorrect.
Cannot register this image!
You attempted to register an image recorded in a different camera or a movie as a start-
up image.
Cannot modify image
You attempted to apply a My Colors effect to a movie or an image recorded in a different
Cannot transfer!
When transferring images to your computer using the Direct Transfer screen, you
attempted to select an image with corrupted data or an image taken with another
camera. You may have also attempted to select a movie when [Wallpaper] was selected
in the Direct Transfer menu.