Scanning Side
Specify whether to scan only one side of a document or both sides.
If you select [Skip blank page] and a blank page is detected within the
document during scanning, the blank page will be skipped. The driver
settings are used for the density threshold at which blank pages are
When a document is scanned slanted, the slant is detected and the
scanned images are straightened.
Text orientation recognition
The orientation of text in scanned images is detected, and the images
are rotated to match the orientation of the text.
Use advanced settings dialog box
For the advanced scanner condition settings (other than the basic
items), open the advanced settings dialog box and configure the
settings. To open the advanced settings dialog box, select the [Use
advanced settings dialog box] check box and click the [Open] button.
For details on setting items, see the Help in the scanner driver
advanced settings dialog box.
The scanner driver’s advanced settings dialog box includes the
same setting items as the basic items in the [Scanner setting] dialog
box, but the configuration for each of the settings is stored
separately. Which settings are used during scanning differs as
follows depending on the setting of the [Use advanced settings
dialog box] check box.
Setting the Output Method
CaptureOnTouch is provided with four output methods for processing
scanned images.
The specification for the output method is common to [Scan First] and
[Select Scan Job].
For [Scan First]
When using [Scan First], select an output method in the [Output
method] screen that appears after scanning, and then specify each of
the output method items.
For [Select Scan Job]
When using [Select Scan Job], specify an output method for each job.
[Use advanced
settings dialog box]
Basic items
Other than basic
The settings of the
[Scanner setting]
dialog box are
The settings of the
scanner driver’s
advanced settings
dialog box are
The settings of the scanner driver’s
advanced settings dialog box are used.