Layout Method
Specifies how the background image is to be placed on the paper.
When Custom is selected, you can set coordinates for X-Position and Y-
Adjusts the intensity of the bitmap to be used as a background.
Moving the slider to the right increases the intensity, and moving the slider to
the left decreases the intensity. To print the background at the original
bitmap intensity, move the slider to the rightmost position.
Depending on the type of printer driver you are using and the environment,
this function may not be available.
Click Defaults to set File to blank, Layout Method to Fill page, and the
Intensity slider to the middle.
Save settings Tab
The Save settings tab allows you to register a new background or delete an
unnecessary background.
Enter the title to save the background image you specified.
Up to 64 characters can be entered.
Spaces, tabs, and returns cannot be entered at the beginning or end of
a title.
Shows a list of registered background titles.
Specify a title to display the corresponding background in Title.
Save/Save overwrite
Saves the image data as a background.
After inserting the Title, click this button.
Deletes an unnecessary background.
Specify the title of an unnecessary background from the Backgrounds list,
and then click this button.