2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001
7-9 T
2) Start the machine’s service mode, and make the following selections:
COPIER>FUNCTION>SYSTEM>DOWNLOAD. Then, press ‘OK’ so that the machine
will be in download standby mode (notation “STNDBY”).
3) Select SYSTEM, RUI, or Language, and select the interface (either Bi-Centronics or
Network). The discussions that follow assume that you have selected bi-Centronics.
On this screen, it is in the case of iR8500.
About the Language Module (Language)
A language module is a unit containing the language data needed to indi-
cate messages in the control panel, each module designed for a specific lan-
guage. Install only those language modules you need, thus saving time
spent for downloading. You can switch among installed language modules
in user mode: common settings> display language. At time of shipment,
five modules (languages) are installed. The modules will be lost once you
format the had disk, requiring you to install them once again to suit the
needs of the user. To check the version of the modules, make the following
selections: COPIER>DISPLAY>VERSION>LANG-XX. Check to make
sure that the version of each language module matches the version of the
installed system software; otherwise, use the langue module built into the
system software to start up. The built-in module is not part of the modules
that may be selected as the display language; for this reason, you will not
be able to make use of the language switch unless you have installed mod-
ules independently of the system software. If you replace an existing lan-
guage module with a module of an inappropriate version, ‘E744-0001’ will
be indicated when the machine is started up for the first time; to reset the
error, install a module of the correct version.