Advanced Printing
3 Ensure that the proper paper source is selected.
4 Start Easy-PhotoPrint.
This section describes how to print out photographs stored in the folder on the hard
(1) Store the photographs you took with your digital camera in a folder on the hard
(2) In Windows, click Start, select All Programs (or Programs), Canon Utilities, Easy-
PhotoPrint, and Easy-PhotoPrint to open the Easy-PhotoPrint.
In Macintosh, double-click the hard disk icon, the Applications folder, the Easy-
PhotoPrint folder, and then double-click the Easy-PhotoPrint icon.
5 Select photographs.
(1) Select the folder containing the photograph you want to print.
All photographs in the selected folder are displayed.
When the Cassette lamp is lit, paper
is fed from the Cassette.
When the Sheet Feeder lamp is lit,
paper is fed from the Sheet Feeder.
Folder window