Shooting RAW Images
Records a JPEG image. When JPEG images are recorded, the images are
processed inside the camera for optimum image quality and compressed.
However the compression process is irreversible, meaning that the raw data
cannot be recovered once it has been compressed. Moreover, the image
processing results in a deterioration in quality.
Records a RAW image. A RAW image is raw data recorded with nearly no
deterioration in image quality resulting from image processing inside the camera.
This data cannot be used as is for viewing or printing on a computer. The supplied
software (Digital Photo Professional) must first be used to convert the image data
to a JPEG or TIFF file. When converting the image data, you can adjust the image
with minimal deterioration in image quality. Recording pixels will be fixed to 3648
x 2736, and data size of a single image will be approximately 14297 KB.
Two images, a RAW image and a JPEG image, will be recorded with each shot.
Since a JPEG image is also recorded, you can print the image or view it on a
computer without using the supplied software.
Be sure to use the supplied software to transfer both the RAW images and
the JPEG images that were recorded at the same time (p. 2).
How do you erase images shot with ?
If you press the a button while a image is displayed (p. 28), you can choose
from the following erase options: [Erase ], [Erase ] and [Erase + ].
• [Digital Zoom] (p. 58) and [Date Stamp] (p. 60) are not available when
shooting in or .
• The file extension for JPEG images is “.JPG”, and the extension for RAW
images is “.CR2”.