Chapter 13 Troubleshooting 13-5
LCD Messages
The following messages are displayed in the LCD when the unit is performing a function or
encounters an error. The error code appears in the ACTIVITY REPORT. (→ p. 11-3)
Message Error Code Cause Action
— The unit is waiting to
redial the other party's
number because the line
was busy or the other
party did not answer
when you tried to send
the document.
Wait for the unit to
automatically redial the
number. If you want to cancel
automatic redialling, wait until
the unit starts dialling the
number, press Stop then
(→ p. 7-12)
— The Black BJ tank in the
Colour BJ cartridge is
empty or its ink may have
dried out.
Clean the BJ cartridge print
head (→ p. 12-11). If the
message remains in the LCD,
replace the Black BJ tank
(→ p. 12-15). The unit will
then print automatically any
faxes received in memory.
#005/018 The telephone number
you dialled is busy.
Try sending the document at
a later time.
The fax number dialled
was incorrect.
Check the fax number and
dial again.
The other party's fax
machine is not working.
Contact the other party and
have them check their fax
The other party is not
using a G3 machine.
Contact the other party and
ask them to send or receive
the document using a G3
The touch tone/rotary
pulse setting on your unit
is incorrect.
Set your unit to the setting
that matches your telephone
line. (→ p. 3-10)