118 Chapter 5
Receiving Faxes
Flow of Receiving Faxes
The operation flow of receiving faxes is as follows:
Step 1: Load paper. See “Loading Paper” on page 22.
Step 2: Select the receive mode.
z If you want to receive only faxes automatically with your machine, or have a dedicated
telephone line for fax use only:
<FAX only>
See “If You Want to Receive Only Faxes Automatically with Your Machine, or Have a
Dedicated Telephone Line for Fax Use Only:” on page 119.
z If you receive mainly voice calls and sometimes faxes, or you want to receive faxes manually:
<Manual RX>
See “If You Receive Mainly Voice Calls and Sometimes Faxes, or Want to Receive Faxes
Manually:” on page 120.
z If you want to receive voice messages on your answering machine and receive faxes
<Ans. machine connect.>
See“If You Want to Receive Voice Messages on Your Answering Machine and Receive Faxes
Automatically:” on page 120.
z If you want to receive faxes automatically as well as voice calls:
<FAX/TEL auto switch>
See “If You Want to Receive Faxes Automatically as well as Voice Calls:” on page 120.
z If you have subscribed to a Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection (DRPD) service with your
telephone company (US and Canada only):
See “If You Have Subscribed to a Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection (DRPD) Service with
Your Telephone Company (US and Canada only):” on page 121.
z If you want your machine to automatically switch between fax and voice calls by the call ring
patterns (Network Switch):
<Network switch>
See “If You Want Your Machine to Automatically Switch between Fax and Voice Calls by the
Call Ring Patterns (Network Switch):” on page 121.
z The paper size should be A4, LTR or LGL.
z Load legal-sized paper in the Auto Sheet Feeder.
z To use the <Manual RX>, <FAX/TEL auto switch>, <DRPD>, or <Network switch> mode,
you need to have a telephone connected to the External Device Jack of your machine.
z To use the <Ans. machine connect.> mode, you need to have an answering machine
connected to the External Device Jack of your machine.