D. Upper Cassette Paper-size Sensing
Switch/Lower Cassette Paper-size
Sensing Switch
1) Remove the cassette paper-size sensing
PCB following steps 1-4 on Page 3-47.
E. Thermistor
1) Remove the fixing unit following steps
1-2 on Page 3-13.
2) Remove the wire cover.
3) Remove the fixing entry guide.
4) Disconnect the connector and remove
the cable from the fixing left cover.
➀ Connector ➁ Fixing left cover
➂ Cable
Figure 3-5-3
5) Remove the screw and the thermistor.
➀ Screw ➁ Thermistor
Figure 3-5-4
<Note on reassembly>
When installing the thermistor, ensure that
its detection surface is uniformly contact-
ing the fixing upper roller surface.
If it is not making an uniform contact,
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