
1. Frame Counter
2. Shutter Button
3. Shutter Speed Dial
4. Shutter Speed Index Mark
5. Winding Lever
6. Flash Hot Shoe
7. Eye-Level Pentaprism
8. Film Plane Indicator
9. AE Memory Lock Button
10. Light Emitting Diode (LED)
11. Film Rewind Knob with Crank
12. ASA Ring
13. Sync Terminal with Cover
14. Self-Timer Lock Button
15. Multi-Purpose Lever (Self-
Timer / Depth-of-Field Preview /
Stopped-down Metering Lever)
16. L–M Lock Lever
17. CAT System Pin
18. AE Lock Pin and 'A' mark
19. Focusing Index Mark
with Depth-of-Field Scale
20. Distance Scale
(in feet and meters)
21. Aperture Ring
22. Front Bayonet
23. Focusing Ring
24. Canon Breech-Lock Ring
25. Neckstrap Eyelet
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