
Manuals for the Machine
The manuals for this machine are divided as follows. Please refer to them for detailed information.
Guides with this symbol are printed manuals.
Guides with this symbol are included on the accompanying CD-ROM.
To view the manual in PDF format, Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader is required. If Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed on your system, please download it
from the Adobe Systems Incorporated website.
Driver Installation Guide
Printer Driver Installation Guide
Mac Printer Driver Installation Guide
Fax Driver Installation Guide
Mac Fax Driver Guide
Includes the Windows and Macintosh printer drivers and fax drivers.
*There are three types of printer drivers: PS, PCL, and UFR II.
Setup Guide
Also included in the e-Manual as a PDF file
Describes the procedure to be performed and settings to be specified after installing the machine.
Basic Operation Guide
Also included in the e-Manual as a PDF file
Describes basic and useful operations you can perform with the machine.
Describes the maintenance and troubleshooting procedures for the machine.
Before Using This Machine (This Manual)
Describes cautionary information regarding the use of the machine.
HTML manual
Describes how to use the various functions such as Copy, Scan and Send, how to specify the various settings, and introduces optional
equipment that can enhance job productivity.
Also includes "Practical Work ows," which introduce the various functions of the machine using practical examples, such as how to
create a booklet, and how to prevent unauthorized copying.