Scale: 200%
When Printing Color Film at L Size
Document resolution: 300
Scanning resolution: 1200
Scale: 400%
Print at four times the size
Scanning resolution/actual scanning
resolution: 1200 dpi
Printing resolution: 300
Setting the Resolution in ScanGear (Scanner Driver)
In ScanGear, you can specify the resolution with Output Resolution in Output Settings on the Advanced
Mode tab.
Example of Appropriate Resolution when Printing to Scale
The scanning resolution is automatically set so that the value set in Output Resolution will be the
resolution of the scanned image. If you set Output Resolution to 300 dpi and scan at twice the size, the
document will be automatically scanned at 600 dpi, and the resolution of the scanned image will be 300
dpi. You can print the document with sufficient quality using a 600 dpi color printer.
When Printing L Size (8.9 cm x 12.7 cm) Photos at Twice the Size
Document resolution: 300
Output resolution: 300 dpi
Scale: 200%
Scan at twice the size
Actual scanning resolution: 600
Image resolution/printing resolution:
300 dpi
When Printing 35 mm Color Film (2.4 cm x 3.6 cm) at L Size (8.9 cm x 12.7 cm)
Document resolution: 300
Output resolution: 300 dpi
Scale: 400%
Scan at four times the size
Actual scanning resolution:
1200 dpi
Image resolution/printing resolution:
300 dpi
Appropriate Resolution Settings
Set the resolution according to the use of the scanned image.
Although you can change Output Resolution in ScanGear, it is recommended that you scan at the
default value.
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