
release. Pressing it halfway activates
meter circuit, pressing it all the way sets
shutter in operation. Can be locked by
setting main switch to "L" to guard
against accidental shutter release. With
cable release socket.
Power Source:
One 6V silver oxide battery
(Eveready No. 544, UCAR No. 544, JIS
4G13, Mallory PX28) or alkaline man-
ganese battery (Eveready No. 537,
UCAR No. 537). The battery lasts ap-
proximately one year under normal use.
Battery is loaded in the battery chamber
on the front of the camera body.
Battery Check:
A red LED on top of
camera flashes on and off to indicate
power level when battery check button is
pressed. Flashing frequency decreases
with power level.
Main Switch:
Two positions: "A" and "L".
At "L" all active circuits are off and
shutter button is locked as safety feature.
Doubles as self-timer lever.
Cancellation of Camera Circuit:
and self-timer operation cancelled by set-
ting main switch to "L" or by pressing
battery check button.
Multiple Exposure:
Possible by setting
multiple exposure lever before winding
film advance lever to recock shutter.
Frame counter does not advance. Auto-
matically resets. Unlimited.
Electronically controlled. Ac-
tivated by pressing shutter button. Time-
lag of 2 or 10 seconds possible. Red LED
flashes on and off to indicate its opera-
tion. Flashing frequency increases 2 sec.
before shutter release.
Flash Synchronization:
X-synch at 1/60
sec.; FP- and M-synch at 1/30 sec. and
Flash Coupling:
Accessory shoe has con-
tacts for directly-coupled flash units and
automatic flash control contacts for auto-
matic exposure. JIS-B (PC) type flash ter-
minal with shock preventive rim on front
of body.
Automatic Flash:
Full AE flash photography
with Canon Speedlites 133A, 155A,
177A, 188A, 199A, 533G and 577G.
Shutter speed automatically set. Aperture
automatically controlled according to
setting of flash when flash is sufficiently
Back Cover:
Opened by pulling up rewind
knob. Removable for attaching Data Back
A. With memo holder.
Film Loading:
Easy film loading with
multi-slot take-up spool.
Film Advance Lever:
Single-stroke 120°
throw with 30 stand-off. Winding with
several short strokes possible. Automatic
winding possible by mounting Canon
Motor Drive MA, Power Winder A2, or
Power Winder A.
Not For Resale
Free Download at http://www.joe