Chapter 16 Summary of Important Settings 16-25
Summary of
LASER CLASS 3170 Series.
4.PRESET POLLING Set up preset polling/receiving setting. (➞11-5)
1.SETUP FILE Set up a setting to poll at preset time.
SET BOX # Create a two-digit preset polling box.
1.FILE NAME Enter the name of the file (24 characters).
2.PASSWORD Enter a four-digit password to protect the polling settings.
3.SELECT LOCATIONS Select the numbers of the fax units you want to poll. Use the One-
TEL= touch or Coded Speed Dialing buttons to enter the numbers of the
fax machine that you want to poll.
4.START TIME Set the time(s) that you want to start polling.
EVERY DAY Set up to 5 times for every day.
SELECT DAYS Set up to 5 times for each day selected.
2.CHANGE DATA Change the settings for preset polling/receiving.
SET BOX # Enter the number of the box you want to change.
PASSWORD Enter the password protecting the preset polling settings.
You can now change any of the settings listed in the table
above (1.SETUP FILE).
3.DELETE FILE Delete the setting to poll at preset time.
SET BOX # Set the box number for the box you want to delete.
PASSWORD Enter the password of the file you want to delete.
5.POLLING BOX Set up a polling box to store a document in your fax
machine until your fax machine is polled to send the
document. (➞11-15)
1.SETUP FILE Set up a polling box to hold a document until it is polled
by and sent to another fax machine.
SET BOX # Set a box number for the polling box.
1.FILE NAME Enter a file name (24 characters).
2.PASSWORD Enter a password to protect the polling box settings.
3.SUBADDRESS Enter a 20-digit (max.) standard ITU-T subaddress.
4.TX PASSWORD Enter a 20-digit (max.) standard ITU-T password.
5.ERASE AFTER TX Tell the fax machine how to handle the document after it is polled
and sent.
ON Document is erased from the memory after it is polled and sent.
OFF Document is not erased and remains in the memory after it is
polled and sent.
2.CHANGE DATA Change the settings on the polling box. You can now change
any of the settings listed in the table above (1.SETUP FILE).
SET BOX # Set a box number you want to change.