
Data cannot be uploaded
z Check the upload destination in the [Upload] menu, as well as the upload operation upon
event in the [Event] menu, to see if both are set correctly.
z You can perform operation check based on the currently set upload destination by
running a test ( P. 1-26, P. 1-26) from the [Upload] menu.
z Check [View Log Events] in the [Maintenance] menu or logs on the server to check the
detailed operating environment. For [View Log Events], see "Application (uploader)
messages" in P. 5-9. Also see "Notes" in P. 1-24.
z For the server settings, contact your System Administrator.
Files cannot be saved in VBAdmin Tools.
z Saving of files to certain folders is prohibited in Windows Vista and later operating
systems. Accordingly, an attempt to save a file may fail. Specify [Documents], [Pictures]
and other folders.