Largeritems, such as pieces of bone orglass, that could clog the drainare trapped in the
coarse filter. To remove an item caughtin this filter,gently squeezethe tabs ontop ofthis
filterand lift it out.
For your convenience, we have placedthedrainpump and filteringsystem within easy reach inside the tub. There are three
components ofthefilteringsystem:the main filter,the coarse filter, and the fine filter.
This filter holds soiland food residue in the sump areaandprevents itfrom being
redepositedon the dishes during acycle.
Main filter
Foodandsoilparticlestrapped bythisfilter arepulverizedby aspecial jet on thelower spray
armand washeddown the drain.
If your dishwasher is left in an unheated place during the winter, ask a service technician to:
Cut off electrical power to the dishwasher. Remove
fuses or trip circuit breaker.
Turn off the water supply and disconnect the water
inlet pipe from the water valve.
Drain water from the inlet and water valve.pipe
(Use a pan to catch the water.)
Reconnect the water inlet to the
water valve.
Remove the plastic sump cover in the
tub the bottom and use a sponge to
soak up water in rubber boot.
Itis necessary to clean the spray arms regularly for hard water chemicals will clog the spray arm jets and bearings. To remove the
spray arm,screw off the nut totake outthe washer ontop of thespray armandremovethe arm. Wash the arms in soapyand warm
water and use asoftbrushto cleanthe jets. Replace them afterrinsing them thoroughly.
Neverrun the dishwasher withoutthe filters inplace.
Filter assembly
For best performance and results,the filterassemblymust becleaned.
Thefilter efficientlyremoves foodparticlesfrom thewash water, allowingittobe
recirculated during the cycle.For this reason, itis a good ideatoremove thelarger
food particles trapped inthe filter after each wash cycle by rinsingthe semicircular
filter andcup underrunning water. To remove the filter assembly,pullon the cup
handle in theupward direction. The entire filter assemblyshould be cleanedatleast
once amonth.
To clean the coarsefilterand the fine filter, usea cleaning brush. Then, reassemble
the filter parts as shown in the figures left and reinsert theentire assembly in the
dishwasher, positioningin its seat andpressing downward.
The dishwasher must never be used without thefilters.Improper replacement ofthe
filter may reduce theperformancelevel of the appliance and damagedishes andutensils.