Installation / Assembly
Cal Flame Side Burners
LTR50001082, Rev. B
Place the dust cap on the cylinder valve outlet whenever the cylinder is
not in use. Only install the type of dust cap on the cylinder valve outlet
that is provided with the cylinder valve. Other types of caps or plugs
may result in leakage of propane.
LP Gas Hook Up
An enclosure for an LP gas cylinder shall be vented by openings at the
level of the cylinder valve and at oor level. The effectiveness of the
openings for purposes of ventilation shall be determined with the LP-
gas supply cylinder in place. This shall be accomplished in one of the
following manners:
One side of the enclosure shall be completely open.1.
Enclosures that have four sides, complete with a top and bottom:2.
At least two ventilation openings at cylinder valve level shall be a.
provided in the sidewall, equally sized, spaced at 180º (3.14
rad), and unobstructed. Each opening shall have a total free
area of not less than one square inch per pound (7.1 cm²/kg)
of stored fuel capacity, and not less than a total free area of 10
square inches (64.5 cm²).
Ventilation openings shall be provided at oor level and shall b.
have a total free area of not less than one square inch per
pound (7.1 cm²/kg) of stored fuel capacity and not less than
a total free area of 10 square inches (64.5cm²). If ventilation
openings at oor level are in a sidewall, there shall be at least
two openings. The bottom of the openings shall be at oor
level and the upper edge no more than 5 inches (127 mm)
above the oor. The openings shall be equally sized, spaced at
180º (3.14 rad) and unobstructed.
Every opening shall have minimum dimensions so as to permit c.
the entrance of a 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) diameter rod.
Transporting and Storing LP Gas
Transport only one cylinder at a time. Ensure the cylinder is secured in
an upright position with the control valve turned off and the dust cap
in place. Store cylinders outdoors and out of reach of children. Do not
store cylinders in a building, garage, or any other enclosed area.