B. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Steps:
1. Fill in Ftp Server (IP/ Host), Account ID, Password, and Ftp mode.
2. Click “Submit” to save setting.
C. DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) Steps:
Before use DDNS service, please create your own account in Websitehttp://www.dyndns.org
And apply host name for DDNS service. Register user’s name, password, and account and
upload path. In Websitehttp://www.dyndns.org
1. Fill in Hostname (for instance: 1011.homelinux.com), account ID (Username) and password
and upload path you applied in “ www.dyndns.org
2. Click “Submit” to save setting
STATUS will show the connection information.
D. NTP (Network Time Protocol) Provide the function of adjusting time. Steps:
1. Fill in IP address or website. (Default NTP address
2. Choose time zone.
3. Click “Submit” to save setting.