2547 01/11 Operation Section 4-44
© 2011 Alamo Group Inc.
*With bucket dumped, Dampening office in unloading Remove unloading spool and clean
boom is slow in starting spool is plugged. dampening orifice.
*Bucket does not move Set screw is screwed in all Readjust set screw to achieve
in self-level the way. proper flow split.
Dampening orifice in unloading Remove unloading spool and clean
spool is plugged. dampening orifice.
Ports A and B are plumbed Reverse hoses on ports A and B of
backwards. self-level valve.
Bucket curls in self-level Ports C and D are plumbed Reverse hoses on ports C and D of
backwards. self-level valve.
External leakage Damaged seals. Remove leaking component;
replace seals.
Pump noisy Inlet line restricted or leaking. Check for air leaks, restrictions or
collapsed hose. Tighten or replace
hose. Clean filter.
Oil level too low. Add oil as required.
Pump worn or damaged. Repair or replace pump.
Bucket tines bend or Only a few tines were under Be sure three or more tines are
break load. under load.
Excessive wear on bucket Bucket is riding on cutting edge Use boom “FLOAT” position or
cutting edge instead of wear runners. bucket level indicator to ensure
bucket rides on wear runners.
No-tools Quick-Attach Tee-bolt tension no set Adjust tee-bolt tension until 40-50
handle too loose or too tight correctly. lbs. force is needed to close handle.
Bucket cutting edge not Rear axle on tractor not level With tractor on level surface,
flat on the ground from side to side. compare rear axle height from left
to right, measuring from axle center
to ground. Adjust air pressure in rear
tires until axle height measures the
same for both sides.
* Loaders with optional self-leveling valve.