
Technical Specifications
Power Output 75 watts per channel into 8 ohms
100 watts per channel into 4 ohms
Gain Select and Sensitivity 29dB - .850Vin = 75W @ 8 Ohms - single ended input
23dB - 1.7Vin = 75W @ 8 Ohms - balanced input
Input Impedance 20 Kohms single ended
40 Kohms balanced
Distortion < 0.007% 20Hz to 20kHz at 75 watts into 8 ohms,
IMD or THD+noise < 0.010% 20Hz to 20kHz at 100 watts into 4 ohms
Noise Measured with input shorted - 20Hz to 20kHz.
>105dB below rated output 29dB gain (- 68dBu)
>107dB below rated output 23dB gain (- 70dBu)
Slew Rate >60 volts per microsecond
Power Bandwidth <1 Hz to over 100 kHz
Damping Factor Over 500 at 20 Hz, ref. 8 ohms
Dimensions W D H: - 19 (or 17) x 19 x 3.5 inches ( 2 rack spaces )
Weight: approx.. 25kg - 55 lbs.
Power Consumption &Heat Load
max power typical use
single channel 75W @ 8 ohms - 150 Watts 15 Watts
8 channels @ 75W @ 8 ohms - 1200 Watts 120 Watts
Max. Heat Dissipation 8 ohms - 2400 Btu/Hr. 240 Watts
single channel 100W @ 4 ohms - 210 Watts 21 Watts
8 channels @ 100W @ 4 ohms - 1680 Watts 168 Watts
Max. Heat Dissipation 4 ohms - 3500 Btu/Hr. 350 Watts
At Idle - 110 Watts