System Description
Furnish a ______________________ 4--way multipoise gas--fired
condensing furnace for use with natural gas or propane (factory--
authorized conversion kit required for propane); furnish cold air
return plenum; furnish external media cabinet for use with
accessory media filter or standard filter.
Quality Assurance
Unit will be designed, tested and constructed to the current ANSI Z
21.47/CSA 2.3 design standard for gas--fired central furnaces.
Unit will be third party certified by CSA to the current ANSI Z
21.47/CSA 2.3 design standard for gas--fired central furnaces. Unit
will carry the CSA Blue StarR and Blue FlameR labels. Unit
efficiency testing will be performed per the current DOE test
procedure as listed in the Federal Register.
Unit will be certified for capacity and efficiency and listed in the
latest AHRI Consumer’s Directory of Certified Efficiency Ratings.
Unit will carry the current Federal Trade Commission Energy
Guide efficiency label.
Delivery, Storage, and Handling
Unit will be shipped as single package only and is stored and
handled per unit manufacturer’s recommendations.
Warranty (for inclusion by specifying engineer)
U.S. and Canada only. Warranty certificate available upon request.
Blower Wheel and PSC Blower Motor
Galvanized blower wheel shall be centrifugal type, statically and
dynamically balanced. Blower motor of PSC type shall be
permanently lubricated with sleeve bearings, of _______hp, and
have multiple speeds from 500--1150 RPM operating only when
115--VAC motor inputs are provided. Blower motor shall be direct
drive and soft mounted to the blower scroll to reduce vibration
Furnace shall have reusable--type filters. Filter shall be ______ in.
(mm) X ________ in. (mm). An accessory highly efficient Media
Filter is available as an option. _____________ Media Filter.
Casing shall be of .030 in. thickness minimum, pre--painted
galvanized steel.
Draft Inducer
Draft inducer motor shall be single--speed design.
Primary Heat
Primary heat exchangers shall be 3--Pass corrosion--resistant
aluminized steel of fold--and--crimp sectional design and applied
operating under negative pressure.
Secondary Heat
Secondary heat exchangers shall be of a stainless steel
flow--through of fin--and--tube design and applied operating under
negative pressure.
Controls shall include a micro--processor--based integrated
electronic control board with at least 16 service troubleshooting
codes displayed via diagnostic flashing LED light on the control, a
self--test feature that checks all major functions of the furnace, and
a replaceable automotive--type circuit protection fuse. Multiple
operational settings available, including blower speeds for heating,
cooling, and continuous fan.
Operating Characteristics
Heating capacity shall be _________________ Btuh input;
______________ Btuh output capacity.
Fuel Gas Efficiency shall be __________AFUE.
Air delivery shall be ________________ cfm minimum at 0.50 in.
W.C. external static pressure.
Dimensions shall be: depth_________in. (mm); width
__________in. (mm); height___________in. (mm) (casing only).
Height shall be_________in. (mm) with A/C coil and
_________________in. (mm) overall with plenum.
Electrical Requirements
Electrical supply shall be 115 volts, 60 Hz, single--phase (nominal).
Minimum wire size shall be ________AWG; maximum fuse size
of HACR--type designated circuit breaker shall be _________
Special Features
Refer to section of the product data identifying accessories and
descriptions for specific features and available enhancements.