Installation and servicing of this equipmentcan be hazardousdueto
mechanical and electrical components. Only trained and qualified
personnel should install, repair, or service this equipment.
Untrainedpersonnelcanperform basicmaintenancefunctionssuch
as cleaning and replacing air filters. All other operations must be
performed by trained service personnel. When working on this
equipment, observeprecautions in the literature, on tags, and on la-
bels attached to orshipped with theunitand other safetyprecautions
that may apply.
Follow all safety codes. Installation must be in compliance with lo-
cal and national building codes. Wear safety glasses, protective
clothing, and work gloves. Have fire extinguisher available. Read
these instructions thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautions
included in literature and attached to the unit.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety --alert symbol
be alertto thepotential for personal injury.Understand thesesignal
words; DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION. These words are
used with the safety--alertsymbol. DANGER identifiesthemostse-
rious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death.
WARNING s ignifies hazards which could result in personalinjury
or death.CAUTION isused toidentify unsafepracticeswhichma y
result in minor personal injury or product and property damage.
NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in en-
hanced installation, reliability, or operation.
Note: Installer:Thismanualshould beleft withtheequipmentuser.
Failure to follow this caution may result in pe rsonal injur y.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury,
death or property damage.
Do not use this unit if any part has been underwater.
Immediately call a qua lified s ervice technician to inspect the
unit and to replace any part of the control system which has
been underwater.
For your safety if you smell gas:
1. Do not try to light any appliance.
2. Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone
in your building.
3. Immediately call your gas supplier from a nearby phone.
Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.
4. If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire
This 677B unit is a small packaged Hybrid Heatt system that can
utilize both the efficiency of heat pump heating and the comfort of
gas heating. The system will optimize for ideal heating, depending
onseveralfactors.Thisunit uses Puron
,theozone friendlyrefrig-
erant, for cooling and heat pump heating.
You may notice your two-- stage packaged Hybrid Heatt system
runs for longer periods of time. Nearly 80% of the time it’s
running, it is operating in low-- stage, and your indoor temperature
will remain more consistent with fewer drafts, better humidity
control, enhanced comfort and enhanced energy efficiency.
Failure to follow this warning could result in death, personal
injury and/or property damage.
Do not attempt to light by hand.
Failure to follow t his hazard warning could result in persona l
injury, death and/or property damage.
1. Do not turn off the electrical power to unit without first
turning off the gas supply.
2. Before attempting to start the gas heating s ection,
familiarize yourself with all the procedures that must be
Starting or Shutting Off Unit
To start the unit:
1. Turn on the electrical power supply to unit.
2. Turn on the gas supply to unit.
3. Select temperature and set User Interface (UI) control t o
desired mode.
To shut off unit:
Note: If the unit is being shut down because of a malfunction, call
your dealer as soon as possible.
1. Set UI control to OFF.
2. Turn off gas supply to unit.
3. Turn off electrical power supply to unit.
Theoperationofyourunitiscontrolledby theEvolutiont UI.You
level you select. See UI manual for detailed instructions.
To better protectyour investmentand to eliminate unnecessary ser-
vice calls, familiarize yourself with the following facts:
Step 1—Cooling Mode
With theSYSTEM controlsetto COOL,your unitwill run in cool-
ing mode until the indoor temperature is lowered to the level you
have selected. On extremely hot days, your unit will run for longer
periods at a time and have shorter “off” periods than on moderate
Step 2—Hybrid Heating Mode
Your Hybrid Heat system combines the strengths of two heating
sources; an electric heat pump and a gas furnace. A Hybrid Heat
system providesmorecontroloveryourmonthly energybills by al-
lowing you to choose the most economical method of heating. As
conditions change, the system automa tically switches be tween the
two sourcesto maintain greaterefficiency than with asingle--sour ce
heating s ystem.