
IBM Proprinter XL Mode
Command name Function Sequence Decimal Hexadecimal
Null Ignored NUL 0 00
Bell Ignored BEL 7 07
Space Moves the cursor one character to the right SP 32 20
Backspace Moves the cursor one character to the left BS 8 08
Line Feed Moves the cursor to the next line LF 10 0A
Form Feed Prints the data in the buffer and ejects the FF 12 0C
page (if the buffer is empty, this command
is ignored)
Carriage Return Moves the cursor to the left margin on the CR 13 0D
current line. If Auto LF has been set from
the front panel or by software (ESC 5 1),
the cursor will move down one line
Set/Cancel Auto Sets (n=1) or cancels (n=0) auto line feed ESC 5 n 27 53 n 1B 35 n
Line Feed Mode Overrides the front panel setting
Select Printer Selects printer following deselection DC1 17 11
Deselect Printer Ignored DC3 19 13
Deselect Printer Deselects printer, which will not accept ESC Q 2 2 27 81 50 50 1B 51 32 32
data until a DC1 is received ESC Q 3 27 51 51 1B 51 33
Set Epson Selects Epson FX-850 emulation mode. ESC @ 27 64 1B 40
Emulation Mode All data in the buffer is printed and the
page ejected
Change Emulation Changes the emulation of the printer. All ESC CR m 27 13 m 1B 0D m
(original) data received so far will be printed and
the page ejected. m is an ASCII code.
m=AB - BR-Script 2 Batch Mode
m=AI - BR-Script 2 Interactive Mode
m=E - Epson Mode
m=GL - HP-GL Mode
m=H - HP LaserJet Mode
m=I - Reset IBM Proprinter Mode
User Reset Restore to User Settings ESC CR ! 27 13 33 1B 0D 21
(n=0 to 2) n R n 82 n 52
Paper Input Control Controls the paper input ESC EM n 27 25 n 1B 19 n
n=0 - Feed From Manual Feed Slot
n=1 - Feed From MP Tray
n=2 - Feed From Upper Cassette (Tray 1)
n=3 - Feed From Lower Cassette (Tray 2)
n=R - Eject Paper
Duplex/Simplex Print Sets simplex or duplex print mode ESC CR ! 27 13 33 1B 0D 21
(available when duplex n=0 - Simplex n D n 68 n 44
unit is installed) n=1 - Duplex & long edge binding
(original) n=2 - Duplex & short edge binding
Page Side Selection Sets page side selection ESC CR ! 27 13 33 1B 0D 21
(available when duplex n=0 - Next side n S n 83 n 53
unit is installed) n=1 - Front side
(original) n=2 - Back side
Set Form Length Sets form length to n lines at current ESC C n 27 67 n 1B 43 n
spacing (1 n 255)
Sets from length to n inches at current ESC C 0 n 27 67 48 n 1B 43 30 n
spacing (0 n 15)
Set Right and Left n1 is used to set the left margin, and n2 ESC X n1 n2 27 88 n1 n2 1B 58 n1 n2
Margins the right margin (1 n1 n2 255)
Set Skip-over Sets bottom margin at n-th line, counting ESC N n 27 78 n 1B 4E n
Perforation from the bottom (1 n 255)