California, United States and Canada Emissions
Control Defects Warranty Statement
The California Air Resources Board (CARB), U.S. EPA
and B&S are pleased to explain the Emissions Control
System Warranty on your small off-road engine (SORE).
In California, new small off-road engines model year 2006
and later must be designed, built and equipped to meet
the State’s stringent anti-smog standards. Elsewhere in
the United States, new non-road, spark-ignition engines
certified for model year 1997 and later must meet similar
standards set forth by the U.S. EPA. B&S must warrant the
emissions control system on your engine for the periods of
time listed below, provided there has been no abuse, ne-
glect or improper maintenance of your small off-road en-
Your emissions control system includes parts such as the
carburetor, air cleaner, ignition system, fuel line, muffler
and catalytic converter. Also included may be connectors
and other emissions related assemblies.
Where a warrantable condition exists, B&S will repair your
small off-road engine at no cost to you including diagno-
sis, parts and labor.
Briggs & Stratton Emissions Control
Defects Warranty Coverage
Small off-road engines are warranted relative to emis-
sions control parts defects for a period of two years, sub-
ject to provisions set forth below. If any covered part on
your engine is defective, the part will be repaired or re-
placed by B&S.
Owner’s Warranty Responsibilities
As the small off-road engine owner, you are responsible
for the performance of the required maintenance listed in
your Operating and Maintenance Instructions. B&S rec-
ommends that you retain all your receipts covering main-
tenance on your small off-road engine, but B&S cannot
deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your fail-
ure to ensure the performance of all scheduled mainte-
As the small off-road engine owner, you should however
be aware that B&S may deny you warranty coverage if
your small off-road engine or a part has failed due to
abuse, neglect, improper maintenance or unapproved
You are responsible for presenting your small off-road en-
gine to an Authorized B&S Service Dealer as soon as a
problem exists. The undisputed warranty repairs should
be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to ex-
ceed 30 days.
If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights
and responsibilities, you should contact a B&S Service
Representative at 1-414-259-5262.
The emissions warranty is a defects warranty. Defects are
judged on normal engine performance. The warranty is
not related to an in-use emissions test.
Briggs & Stratton Corporation (B&S),
the California Air Resources Board (CARB)
and the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
Emissions Control System Warranty Statement
(Owner’s Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations)
The following are specific provisions relative to your Emis-
sions Control Defects Warranty Coverage. It is in addition
to the B&S engine warranty for non-regulated engines
found in the Operating and Maintenance Instructions.
1. Warranted Parts
Coverage under this warranty extends only to the parts
listed below (the emissions control systems parts) to the
extent these parts were present on the engine purchased.
a. Fuel Metering System
• Cold start enrichment system (soft choke)
• Carburetor and internal parts
• Fuel pump
• Fuel line, fuel line fittings, clamps
• Fuel tank, cap and tether
• Carbon canister
b. Air Induction System
• Air cleaner
• Intake manifold
• Purge and vent line
c. Ignition System
• Spark plug(s)
• Magneto ignition system
d. Catalyst System
• Catalytic converter
• Exhaust manifold
• Air injection system or pulse valve
e. Miscellaneous Items Used in Above Systems
• Vacuum, temperature, position, time sensitive
valves and switches
• Connectors and assemblies
2. Length of Coverage
B&S warrants to the initial owner and each subsequent
purchaser that the Warranted Parts shall be free from de-
fects in materials and workmanship which caused the fail-
ure of the Warranted Parts for a period of two years from
the date the engine is delivered to a retail purchaser.
3. No Charge
Repair or replacement of any Warranted Part will be per-
formed at no charge to the owner, including diagnostic la-
bor which leads to the determination that a Warranted
Part is defective, if the diagnostic work is performed at an
Authorized B&S Service Dealer. For emissions warranty
service contact your nearest Authorized B&S Service
Dealer as listed in the Yellow Pages" under Engines,
Gasoline," Gasoline Engines," Lawn Mowers," or similar
4. Claims and Coverage Exclusions
Warranty claims shall be filed in accordance with the pro-
visions of the B&S Engine Warranty Policy. Warranty cov-
erage shall be excluded for failures of Warranted Parts
which are not original B&S parts or because of abuse, ne-
glect or improper maintenance as set forth in the B&S En-
gine Warranty Policy. B&S is not liable to cover failures of
Warranted Parts caused by the use of add-on, non-origi-
nal, or modified parts.
5. Maintenance
Any Warranted Part which is not scheduled for replace-
ment as required maintenance or which is scheduled only
for regular inspection to the effect of repair or replace as
necessary" shall be warranted as to defects for the war-
ranty period. Any Warranted Part which is scheduled for
replacement as required maintenance shall be warranted
as to defects only for the period of time up to the first
scheduled replacement for that part. Any replacement
part that is equivalent in performance and durability may
be used in the performance of any maintenance or re-
pairs. The owner is responsible for the performance of all
required maintenance, as defined in the B&S Operating
and Maintenance Instructions.
6. Consequential Coverage
Coverage hereunder shall extend to the failure of any en-
gine components caused by the failure of any Warranted
Part still under warranty.
Briggs & Stratton Emissions Control
Defects Warranty Provisions
Engines that are certified to meet the California Air Re-
sources Board (CARB) Tier 2 Emissions Standards must
display information regarding the Emissions Durability
Period and the Air Index. Briggs & Stratton makes this in-
formation available to the consumer on our emissions la-
bels. The engine emissions label will indicate certification
The Emissions Durability Period describes the number
of hours of actual running time for which the engine is cer-
tified to be emissions compliant, assuming proper mainte-
nance in accordance with the Operating & Maintenance
Instructions. The following categories are used:
Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for 125 hours
of actual engine running time.
Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for 250 hours
of actual engine running time.
Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for 500 hours
of actual engine running time. For example, a typical walk-
behind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year. There-
fore, the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with
an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years.
Certain Briggs & Stratton engines will be certified to meet
the United States Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) Phase 2 emissions standards. For Phase 2 cer-
tified engines, the Emissions Compliance Period referred
to on the Emissions Compliance label indicates the num-
ber of operating hours for which the engine has been
shown to meet Federal emissions requirements.
For engines less than 225 cc displacement.
Category C = 125 hours
Category B = 250 hours
Category A = 500 hours
For engines of 225 cc or more displacement.
Category C = 250 hours
Category B = 500 hours
Category A = 1000 hours
Look For Relevant Emissions
Durability Period and
Air Index Information On
Your Engine Emissions Label