See the Operator’s Manual for complete description of the
home generator controls.
Automatic Operation Sequence
The generator’s control panel houses a logic control circuit
board. This control board constantly monitors utility power
source voltage. Should that voltage drop below a preset
level, control board action will signal the engine to crank and
When utility source voltage is restored above a preset
voltage level, the engine is signaled to shut down.
The actual system operation is not adjustable and is
sequenced by sensors and timers on the control board, as
Utility Voltage Dropout Sensor
• This sensor monitors utility source voltage.
• If utility source voltage drops below about 70 percent
of the nominal supply voltage, the sensor energizes a
10 second timer. The timer is used to ‘sense’ brown-
• Once the timer has expired, the engine will crank and
Utility Voltage Pickup Sensor
This sensor monitors utility power supply voltage. When that
voltage is restored above 80 percent of the nominal source
voltage, a time delay starts timing and the engine will go to
engine cool-down.
Engine Cool-down Timer
• When the load is transferred back to the utility power
source, the engine cool-down timer starts timing.
• The timer will run for about one minute, then the
generator will stop.
• Minimum engine run time is 5 minutes.
Setting Exercise Timer
The home generator is equipped with an exercise timer that
will start and exercise the system once every seven days.
During this exercise period, the unit runs for approximately
20 minutes and then shuts down. Electrical load transfer
DOES NOT occur during the exercise cycle (unless an utility
power outage occurs).
A button on the control panel is labeled “Set Exercise” (see
System Control Panel). The specific day and the specific
time of day this button is pressed is programmed into the
control board memory. This date and time is then used to
automatically initiate the system exercise cycle. The “SET
EXERCISE” legend on the control panel will flash until the set
exercise cycle is set.
To perform the Set Exercise procedure:
1. Choose the day and time you want your home
generator to exercise.
2. On that day and time, press and hold down the “Set
Exercise” button for three seconds.
NOTE: “SET EXERCISE” will flash until the button is pressed
for three seconds, then “SET EXERCISE” will illuminate for
5 seconds, and finally turn off.
For example, if you press the “Set Exercise” button on
Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, the unit will run an exercise
cycle the following Sunday at 10:00 AM (+/- 1/2 hour).
NOTE: “Set Exercise” will only work if the unit is in the
Automatic mode and this exact procedure is followed.
The exerciser will need to be re-set if the 15 Amp fuse
is removed or changed, or if the 12 Volt DC battery is
If you want to change the day and time the unit exercises,
simply perform the “Set Exercise” procedure at the exact
weekday and time you want it to take place.
Installation Inspection
Complete the ”Installation Checklist” as you make the
inspection. Ensure all items have been filled-in and all
signatures have been obtained. Instruct the owner to mail
the white copy to:
Briggs & Stratton Power Products
Warranty Registration
P. O. Box 239
Jefferson, WI 53549-0239
More detailed Operating, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
information is given in the Operator’s Manual.