MIC400 Series Camera | Installation and Operation Manual AAAEN | 39
Bosch Security Systems Issue 1
Save Current MIC Settings
This option will first prompt for a file location and then store the current state of all
the options outlined above to an XML file which can then be loaded at a later date
back into Camset as a standard for a specific site.
Load Settings into Camset
This will prompt to open an XML file as saved above. Only valid Camset Default
XML files will work.
Set Current Settings to MIC
This will go through each of the settings above except for thermal, and send out
the commands to the MIC to set it up as Camset displays. This may take a few
seconds as there are several commands involved in this process.
Upload Default Options
At the end of this there are 2 extra options for defaults, Clear SS and NDZ will
clear any saved Soft Stops and Non-Dwell Zones and then Find End Stops. These
options may be used to completely set up a MIC after it has been reprogrammed
to a new protocol.
Multi Alarm Settings
Learn Alarm Positions
Simply point the MIC400 at the position you would like it to cover when each
numbered alarm is triggered and press Learn Alarm Position to set this.
Relay State, Activation and Re-arm
This function is available only to MIC-400’s with the MIC-ALM card fitted or the
MIC400IR Power Supply which has Four (4) Alarm Inputs built in.
The MIC-ALM multi alarm card provides 2 output relays which can be configured to
close or open on given alarm inputs. Relay 1 can be activated from either alarm
inputs 1 to 4 or 1 to 8 and relay 2 with alarm inputs 5 to 8 or 1 to 8.