
(Note: The transmitter should be turned ON and ready for the IR communications with the
receiver IR receptor for the following process.)
(Note: If no button is pressed for a five second period during a selection, the program is
terminated and the process needs to be repeated.)
(Note: For normal operation, the transmitter should have the same channel as displayed on
the receiver.)
Choosing Group/Channel for the System
The receiver offers a choice of 15 groups: 10 that are Factory PRESET (Group 11 to 1A) and
5 that are User SELECTABLE (Group 1B to 1F). If the Factory PRESET Group mode is chosen,
only a limited numbers of channels are available in these groups. For most convenient setup,
each of these groups offers from 3 to 14 channels (depending on group selected) to choose
from that are factory preset for simultaneous multichannel operation compatibility and are
retained in memory after the receiver is powered off. For the User SELECTABLE Group 1B-1F
ode, a letter “U” will light up on the LCD DISPLAY (16) instead of the CHANNEL (23) number as
in the Factory PRESET Groups. Each User SELECTABLE Group has 800 channels to choose
from either by manually selecting a channel or using the Auto-Scan in 1MHz segment
increments at a time within the frequency band and they are retained in memory after the
receiver is powered off. This facilitates easy setup by enabling quick selection of stored
channels for any group, i.e, selecting any group will automatically display the last channel
selected for that group. See Frequency Listings section for available channels in each group.
The previous group and channel used is stored in memory automatically when receiver and
transmitter are turned off after operation. Selecting a different group on the receiver in
subsequent use will display a different channel as previously selected for that group, however,
the transmitter will need again to be sync’ed to that new frequency to complete the system
setup for operation.
Receiver ASC
/IR Sync GR/CH (Frequency)
If different frequencies than previously stored in both the receiver and transmitter memories
are needed, there are three ways to program the receiver and then sync the selected
Group/Channel to the transmitter: One-Touch Automatic ASC™/Auto Sync receiver to trans-
mitter, manual SCAN for Group/Channel, or manual select Group/Channel from the Factory
preset or User Selectable channel. Place the transmitter’s IR RECEPTOR SENSOR WINDOW
(37) 6-12” away from the receiver’s IR WINDOW (12) before starting the following steps.
• For One-Touch channel Autoscan and Automatic ASC™/Auto Sync from the receiver to the
transmitter, press the MENU BUTTON (14) once, wait for about 5 seconds, the receiver will
start the process automatically with no further user action required. A running bar in a clock-
wise direction on the LCD DISPLAY (16) shows the scanning process which normally takes
about two seconds. When it finds an interference-free channel, the receiver stores the
channel for use, and it will begin ASC™ sync IR download of the selected channel to the
transmitter automatically.
• To manually scan the selected Group/Channel, press the MENU BUTTON (14) twice for
the AUTOSCAN menu, press the UP BUTTON (13) once and it will start scanning.
A running bar in a clockwise direction shows the scanning process, which normally takes
about 2 seconds. When it finds an interference-free channel, it will display and store the
frequency/channel for use. It can be rescanned again for a new frequency by press-
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