
Installation Instruction P/N 01 29 0 403 646
Procedure for Optional Radio AUX Input Adapter 84 11 0 392 070:
1. Route the aux input adapter (1) from the A/V
module under the gear selector panel,
console trim panels, then up behind the
climate controls and out the radio opening.
2. Locate main radio connector (2) and insert
12-pin black connector from radio Aux input
adapter into main radio connector.
If Radio harness already has a black 12-
pin connector in this location (2), perform
Steps 3 - 6.
Warning: Failure to perform the next 4
Steps will result in loss of audio from
BMW Assist and/or hands free phone
operation and/or Navigation system.
3. Remove Black housing (1) from black 12-pin
Connector (2) of AUX adapter P/N 84 11
0 392 070. Remove 3 terminals (3) from
connector (2) by pushing in metal tangs on
terminals with pin removal tool and pulling
terminals out of connector.
Note: Take care not to damage these
terminals since they will be reused.
4. Remove existing black 12-pin connector from
radio harness and remove black housing.
5. Insert 3 terminals (1) of Auxiliary adapter
cable P/N 84 11 0 392 070 into existing 12-
pin connector (2) in shown locations.
White/Red - Slot 3
White/Blue - Slot 4
White/Brown - Slot 10
6. Re-install black housing onto 12-pin
connector, then re-insert into radio harness.