BMW Motorrad zūmo Owner’s Manual
zūmo Troubleshooting
Problem/Question Solution/Answer
The zūmo does not
acquire satellite
It can take a few minutes to acquire satellite signals. Go to an
open area, out of garages, and away from tall buildings. Stop
your vehicle, and position the zūmo where there is a clear
view of the sky. The bars in the upper-left corner indicate
satellite strength.
How do I clear all my
user data?
Hold your nger on the lower-right corner of the zūmo’s screen
while turning on the zūmo. Keep your nger pressed until the
message appears. Touch Yes to clear all user data.
The zūmo is locked
To reset your zūmo, press and hold and press .
My battery gauge does
not seem accurate.
Allow the unit to fully discharge, and then fully charge it (without
interrupting the charge cycle).
The touch screen is not
responding to my taps
Calibrate the touch screen. Turn the unit off. Press and hold
for about one minute until the Calibration page appears.
the on-screen instructions.
My Bluetooth device
will not connect to the
Verify that the Bluetooth eld is set to Enabled. Make sure your
Bluetooth device is turned on and is less than 10 meters (about
33 feet) away from your zūmo. Go to www.garmin.com/bluetooth
for a list of compatible phones and headsets.