The Blodgett Combi-Oven/Steamer
The Blodgett C ombi -Oven/Steamer offers a com-
pletely new m ethod of cooking. With the Oven/
Steamer you have the choice of two cooking pro-
cesses: Steam and Hot Air, either...
D Separately
D Combined, or
D In Sequence
And for easy operation you can choose from three
Steam Hot Air
Steam &
Hot Air
In the Steam mode you can:
steam reheat reconstitute
stew thaw simmer
blanch preserve braise
In the Hot Air mode you can:
roast bake
grill gratinate
In the Combination Steam and Hot Air mode you
defrost roast rethermalize
reheat bake forced steaming
You can also use two or three functions in s e-
quence during one cooking process. We call this:
D combi-steaming
D combi-roasting
D combi-baking
The combination of circulating hot air and steam
in the space saving, high performance Combi-
Oven/Steamer leads to improvements in the fol-
lowing areas:
D increased productivity in the kitchen
D a reduction in capital expenditures for multiple
equipment replacement
D a wider range of menu choices
D a simplified cleaning process
The work process is simplified since products are
prepared on or in steam table pans and trays.
F ood can be cooked, stored, and transported with
the same pans. Small amounts of product can be
processed efficiently; pre-cooked and conve-
nience foods can be reheated within minutes.
Many frozen foods can be processed without pre-
thawing. This flexibility in preparation reduces the
need for kettles and steam tables since there is no
need for large amounts of food to be kept wa rm for
long periods of time.
Today the improvement of food quality is more im-
portant than ever. Vegetables are cooked in the
Blodgett Combi-Oven/Steamer without water at
the optimal temperature of just under 100_C
(212_F), maintaining valuable vitamins, minerals,
nutrients and t race elements. Cooking meat in the
Combi results in less shrinkage and a firmer, juicier
product. The Blodgett Combi-Oven/Steamer is
being used more and more for baking. Steam and
Hot Air modes make it a general purpose baking