When LinuxDefenderhas succesfully closedall programsit will showa screenlike the following
image. You may remove the CD in order to boot from your hard drive. Now it's ok to turn off
your computer or to reboot it.
Wait for this message when shutting down
11.2. Configure the Internet connection
If you're in a DHCP network and you have an ethernet network card, the Internet connection
should already be detected and configured. For a manual configuration, follow the next steps.
1. Open the LinuxDefender menu (right-click) and select Terminal to open a console.
2. Type netcardconfig in the open terminal to launch the network configuration tool.
3. If yournetwork is using DHCP, select yes (ifyou're not sure, ask your networkadministrat-
or). Otherwise, see below.
4. The network connection should be automatically configured now. You can see your IP and
network card settings with ifconfig command.
5. If you have a static IP (you're not using DHCP), choose No at the DHCP question.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions. If you're not sure what to write, contact your system or
network administrator for details.
If everythinggoes well, youcan testyour Internet connectionby "ping-ing"bitdefender.com.
$ ping -c 3 bitdefender.com
If you're usinga dial-up connection,choose pppconfigfrom the LinuxDefender/ Admin menu.
Then follow the on-screen instruction to set up a PPP Internet connection.
Rescue CD
LinuxDefender howto