
XLB-4232 DC
3. Lubricate the slew ring bearing grease fitting labeled LUBRICATE SEMI-
ANNUALLY with NLGI Grade 2 multi-purpose grease. Wipe off dirt and
grease residue. Rotate the boom and add approximately ½ ounce of grease to
each bearing quadrant. See Figure 4-3 for the location of the slew ring bearing
grease fitting.
Figure 4-3. Lubricate Semi-Annually
16. Determine whether the boom lift is equipped with an Al-Ko axle (hex tube) or
Dexter axle (square tube). Lubricate the boom lift axle per the applicable
procedure in step 5 or 6.
17. Clean and repack Al-Ko axle wheel bearings according to the following
general instructions:
a. Use the outriggers to raise the trailer wheels.
b. Remove the spindle caps, cotter pins, spindle nuts, washers, outer wheel
bearings, and wheels. Remove inner wheel bearings.
c. Clean wheel bearings, bearing races, and spindle with solvent and lint-free
cleaning cloths.
d. Repack inner and outer wheel bearings with a reputable NLGI Grade 2
polyurea type, lithium-based, high-temperature, wheel bearing grease
(minimum 440°F dropping point).
e. Apply a thin film of grease to the bearing races and spindles.
f. At each wheel, install inner bearing, wheel, outer bearing, washer, and
spindle nut. Turn wheel and tighten spindle nut until wheel hub binds.
g. Hold the wheel stationary and loosen the spindle nut. Finger tighten the
spindle nut, then back off as needed to align the cotter pin hole. The wheel
should be free to spin without binding or excess free play.
h. Install cotter pin and spindle cap.