In an emergency, a person at floor level can lower the platform by holding the UPPER
key switch in the LOWER CONTROL position and turning
UP/DOWN selector switch to the DOWN position. (If the upper control box emergency
stop pushbutton is depressed, the platform will not lower.)
An emergency lowering valve is shown in Figure 3-4. In case of a total loss of battery
power, a person at floor level can safely lower the platform by opening the emergency
lowering valve.
Do not climb out of the lift cage while the lift platform is elevated. The lift mast
cannot be climbed safely. An elevated lift platform has a high center of gravity
and can be tipped easily. Standing on or leaning out from the outside of a cage rail
may cause the lift vehicle to tip over. Tipping the lift vehicle over can cause severe
injury or death and equipment damage.
If you lose power while elevated in the cage, instruct someone on ground level to open
the emergency lowering valve.
Do not leave the cage to climb down the lift mast or stor-
age shelves.
To lower the platform, pull and hold the red valve knob until the platform starts to de-
scend. When the platform is fully lowered, release the knob to close the valve.
Figure 3-4. Emergency Lowering Valve