Please read ths user manual frst!
Dear Customer,
We hope that your product, which has been produced in modern plants and checked
under the most meticulous quality control procedures, will provide you an effective
Therefore, read this entire user manual carefully before using the product and keep
it as a reference. If you handover the product to someone else, give the user manual
as well.
The user manual wll help you use the product n a fast and safe way.
•Read the manual before nstallng and operatng the product.
•Make sure you read the safety nstructons.
•Keep the manual n an easly accessble place as you may need t later.
•Read the other documents gven wth the product.
Remember that this user manual is also applicable for several other models.
Differences between models will be identified in the manual.
Explanaton of symbols
Throughout ths user manual the followng symbols are used:
Important nformaton or
useful hnts.
Rsk of njury and damage to
the property.
Rsk of electrc shock.
Packagng materals of
the product are manufac-
tured from recyclable ma-
terals n accordance wth
our Natonal Envronment