Operating the product
27/35 EN
Refrgerator / User Manual
5.17. Freezing
fresh food
• In order to preserve the quality
of the food, it shall be frozen as
quickly as possible when it is
placed in the freezer compartment,
use the fast freezng feature for
ths purpose.
• You may store the food longer n
freezer compartment when you
freeze them whle they are fresh.
• Pack the food to be frozen and
close the packng so that t would
not allow entrance of ar.
• Ensure that you pack your food
before puttng them n the freezer.
Use freezer contaners, fols and
mosture-proof papers, plastc
bags and other packng materals
nstead of tradtonal packng
• Label each pack of food by addng
the date before freezng. You may
dstngush the freshness of each
food pack n ths way when you
open your freezer each tme. Store
the food frozen before n the front
sde of compartment to ensure
that they are used frst.
The freezer compartment
defrosts automatically.
• Frozen food must be used
mmedately after they are thawed
and they should not be re-frozen.
• Do not freeze too large quanttes
of food at one tme.
-18°C 4°C This is the normal recommended setting.
-20,-22 or -24°C 4°C
These settings are recommended when the
ambient temperature exceeds 30°C.
Quick Freeze 4°C
Use when you wish to freeze your food in
a short time. Your product will return to its
previous mode when the process is over.
-18°C or colder 2°C
Use these settings if you think that your fridge
compartment is not cold enough because of
the hot ambient conditions or frequent opening
and closing of the door.