
Dual cooling system:
Your refrigerator is equipped with
two separate cooling systems to
cool the fresh food compartment and
freezer compartment. Thus, air in the
fresh food compartment and freezer
compartment do not get mixed.
Thanks to these two separate cooling
systems, cooling speed is much higher
than other refrigerators. Odors in the
compartments do not get mixed. Also
additional power saving is provided
since the defrosting is performed
Freezing fresh food
placing them in .
room temperature before putting
them in the refrigerator.
freeze must be fresh and in good
portions according to the family’s
daily or meal based consumption
airtight manner to prevent them from
drying even if they are going to be
kept for a short time.
packagings must be resistant to
cold and humidity and they must
be airtight. The packaging material
of the food must be at a sufficient
thickness and durability. Otherwise
the food hardened due to freezing
may puncture the packaging. It is
important for the packaging to be
closed securely for safe storage of
the food.
immediately after they are thawed
and they should never be re-frozen.
instructions to obtain the best results.
1. If the fridge has a quick freeze
function, activate the quick freeze
function when you want to freeze the
2. Do not freeze too large quantities
of food at one time. The quality of
the food is best preserved when it
is frozen right through to the core as
quickly as possible.
3. Take special care not to mix
already frozen food and fresh food.
4. Make sure raw foods are not in
contact with cooked foods in the