7 Recommended solutions for the problems
Please review this list before calling the service. It might save you time and
money. This list includes frequent complaints that are not arising from defective
workmanship or material usage. Some of the features described here may not
exist in your product.
The refrigerator does not operate.
• Istherefrigeratorproperlypluggedin?Inserttheplugtothewallsocket.
• Isthefuseofthesocketwhichyourrefrigeratorisconnectedtoorthemainfuse
blown out? Check the fuse.
Condensation on the side wall of the fridge compartment (MULTIZONE, COOL
• Verycoldambientconditions.Frequentopeningandclosingofthedoor.Highly
humid ambient conditions. Storage of food containing liquid in open containers.
Leaving the door ajar. Switching the thermostat to a colder degree.
• Decreasingthetimethedoorleftopenorusingitlessfrequently.
• Coveringthefoodstoredinopencontainerswithasuitablematerial.
• Wipethecondensationusingadryclothandcheckifitpersists.
Compressor is not running
• Protectivethermicofthecompressorwillblowoutduringsuddenpower
failures or plug-out plug-ins as the refrigerant pressure in the cooling system of
the refrigerator has not been balanced yet. Your refrigerator will start running
approximately after 6 minutes. Please call the service if the refrigerator does not
startup at the end of this period.
• Thefridgeisindefrostcycle.Thisisnormalforafull-automaticallydefrosting
refrigerator. Defrosting cycle occurs periodically.
• Yourrefrigeratorisnotpluggedintothesocket.Makesurethattheplugis
properly fit into the socket.
• Arethetemperatureadjustmentscorrectlymade?
• Powermightbecutoff.
The fridge is running frequently or for a long time.