Temperature in the fridge or freezer is very high.
• Thefridgetemperaturemighthavebeenadjustedtoaveryhighdegree.
Fridge adjustment has an effect on the temperature of the freezer. Change
the temperature of the fridge or freezer until the fridge or freezer temperature
reaches to a sufficient level.
• Doorsmighthavebeenopenedfrequentlyorleftajarforalongtime;openthem
less frequently.
• Doormighthavebeenleftajar;closethedoorcompletely.
• Largeamountofhotfoodmighthavebeenputintherefrigeratorrecently.Wait
until the fridge or freezer reaches the desired temperature.
• Therefrigeratormighthavebeenpluggedinrecently.Coolingdownofthe
refrigerator completely takes time.
The operation noise increases when the refrigerator is running.
• Theoperatingperformanceoftherefrigeratormaychangeduetothechangesin
the ambient temperature. It is normal and not a fault.
• Thefloorisnotevenoritisweak.Therefrigeratorrockswhenmovedslowly.
Make sure that the floor is strong enough to carry the refrigerator, and level.
• Thenoisemaybecausedbytheitemsputontotherefrigerator.Itemsontopof
the refrigerator should be removed.
There are noises coming from the refrigerator like liquid spilling or spraying.
• Liquidandgasflowshappeninaccordancewiththeoperatingprinciplesofyour
refrigerator. It is normal and not a fault.
There is a noise like wind blowing.
• Fansareusedinordertocooltherefrigerator.Itisnormalandnotafault.
Condensation on the inner walls of refrigerator.
• Hotandhumidweatherincreasesicingandcondensation.Itisnormalandnota
• Doorsmighthavebeenleftajar;makesurethatthedoorsareclosedfully.
• Doorsmighthavebeenopenedfrequentlyorleftajarforalongtime;openthem
less frequently.
Humidity occurs on the outside of the refrigerator or between the doors.
• Theremightbehumidityintheair;thisisquitenormalinhumidweather.When
the humidity is less, condensation will disappear.